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New eastbay New color scheme for LD Waffle sacai Black

Oct 26, 2023 6 0
New eastbay New color scheme for LD Waffle sacai Black

New eastbay New color scheme for LD Waffle sacai Black

New eastbay's coming to work again!

How many people like the black and white LD Waffle sacai Black?


After making their debut on the Fall / Winter 2019 runway in Paris Fashion Week, Nike and Sacai deliver a familiar silhouette in new fashion with the Sacai Nike LD Waffle Black.

The LD Waffle took the sneaker world by storm when they originally debuted in Sacai’s Spring / Summer 2019 show alongside a Nike Blazer collaboration. Out of the two sneakers they worked on together, the Waffle stood out most and acquired an aftermarket hype that hasn’t showed any signs of slowing down. It only made sense for the two companies to keep this model alive, but present it in new colorways.

Let's take a look

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