Neweastbay QC Pics

QC pics means Quality Check Pictures, usually after you pay, we will send QC pics to you for confirmation. After you confirm the QC pics, we will send the shoes to you. If you don't need to see QC pics, please let us know after placing the order.

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// 封装代码 function meihua() { ?>
(function ($) { $.fn.snow = function () { const opts = { min: 10, //雪花的最小尺寸 max: 15, //最大尺寸 f: 500, //出现的频率,值越小雪花越多 color: "#267aba", //雪花的颜色 time: 20 //0为不限制时间,单位为秒 } , $s_w = $('
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